Tag Archives: Alphabets

  • Alphabets: R for Reading

    If you have not ever read Maria Popova´s Brain Pickings, long summer days and nights could be a great moment to dive into her exploration

  • Alphabets: L for Light

    In light we see positivity, joy and hope. Let us feel the light. Let it touch our souls and minds.

  • open

    Alphabets: O for Open

    Word “open” inspires us when thinking about being open-minded, true curiosity and attitude for learning more every day.

  • interaction

    Alphabets: I for Interaction

    As much as we embrace encounters, we need to move forward and dive deeper for creating true interactions between people.

  • moral

    Alphabets: M for Moral

    Why moral? In recent decades, many people have said yes to individual hedonism leading to ever increasing consumption and unsustainable growth.

  • imperfection

    Alphabets: I for Imperfection

    It is crucial to understand the value of imperfection as it allows us to maintain a curious mind and a playful way of thinking.

  • knowledge

    Alphabets: K for Knowledge

    Knowledge, it stems from the awareness of understanding the world around us, the facts, education and movements between material and immaterial objects.

  • Re

    Alphabets: R for Re-

    This transformative time is a fantastic moment for everyone to re-imagine a more sustainable and responsible future.

  • hope

    Alphabets: H for Hope

    Hope or despair? The harsh question may seem pointless because after all we only have one choice to make.

  • understanding

    Alphabets: U for Understanding

    Understanding is more than just knowing. It is more than adapting cold facts as it carries values with it.
